Tuesday, November 11, 2008


After a short train ride from Harajuku, our next stop was Shibuya. This place (along with a lot of other places too, as I'm finding out) is huge! I was blown away by the Shibuya crossing which is directly outside the train station. When the crossing light goes green, the whole intersection becomes a blob of moving people and there are no rules. Just get to where you need to be before the light goes red. Oh, and don't get trampled. I was told that I was there at a relatively relaxed time so it wasn't as packed as it usually is. I was still blown away. I'm definitely going back as soon as I figure the trains out.


Kaelie said...

It's SO amazing! This blog is going to be very useful, to us and home and for you when you come home! It's like a neat, high tech journal! haha Dang, I should make a blogg. ;) Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Love ya!

The old one said...

finally found your site. glad you are enjoying yourself. the sights and sounds of Tokyo are really amazing.
I know you will eventually go to the park on a sat. for the flea market.enjoy the food. follow nate he will not stear you wrong

Sean said...

update your blog

. said...

Jared. Dont trust the one armed japanman. He is not to be trusted. Enjoy Yoself Fo real.
E. Ivins

~brynn~ said...

jared! i founds you!
dude that look so tight! i'm jealous!

live it up, man.