Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tokyo From 60 Stories

After a lot of frustrated map reading and muttered curses, I found my way to a part of Ikebukoro called Sunshine City. I really didn't know what was there but I had just heard that it was a neat place. It turns out that Sunshine city is a huge mall inside of a skyscraper. (I've realized that pretty much all of Tokyo is a mall. It really is a consumer's paradise.) After following signs written in characters with sketchy english underneath (Ha I absolutely love the English they use here.)

I made my way to an observatory 60 floors up in an elevator dubbed one of the worlds fastest.

I only peed my pants a little.

When I got there and unstuck myself from the floor of the elevator, the view was positively overwhelming and exciting. My main thought while up there was something along the lines of, "Wow, I have a lot of exploring to do between now and February." Every bit of Tokyo is absolutely gorgeous in it's own way. It has such a uniquely human feel to it and I love it more with every step I take down it's streets. The pictures hardly do it justice but at least you can kind of get a feel for the depth and expanse of this city.


Hannah's Assistant said...

I love the photo's. I was amazed at the size of the city.

Rob said...


SaJatah said...

Tokyo sounds enchanting. I'm finding myself more and more drawn to it each time I read your blog, but in a unique way I've never encountered before. Trippingly beautiful town.